23 meha 7, 2013

A Free Syrian Army fighter holds his weapon as he stands inside a burned shop in Aleppo's Karm al-Jabal district, Syria.

In this rare image taken on July 19, 2013, the wide-angle camera on NASA's Cassini spacecraft has captured Saturn's rings and our planet Earth and its moon in the same frame. (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute)

Tengger tribe devotees belonging to Indonesia's Hindu minority throw their offering to the active crater of Mount Bromo volcano in East Java province during the annual Kasada ceremony. Hundreds of worshippers from Tengger tribe offer food and livestok as a symbolic sacrifice they throw to the crater for the blessings of safety and prosperity to their family and community.

A leopard yawns inside its enclosure at the Madrid Zoo, Spain.